Tuesday, February 28, 2012

BEES !!!!

Noticing a lot of bees flying around the underground box for the water valve, we opened it to find a swarm of bees setting up a hive. They had already made a good start on a honeycomb which they attached to the underside of the box lid. That is the yellow object.
Here is a piece of the honeycomb compared to a quarter coin for size. The idea that a little insect could design and construct such a structure is amazing to me.

After being hit with a stream of water the comb was broken and many of the bees had left. We left the lid open hoping the sunlight would make them lose interest in building there.

But they must like the neighborhood..... the next morning I found this pile in the corner as thought they were trying to keep warm through the night.
Oh come on! Don't make me feel sorry for you! Just go away!

Three days later.....  
The bees are still with me. No one seems interested in capturing them and the majority tells me to get an exterminator. Bees are scarce, bees are dying for many reasons.....I don't wnat to add them on my conscience.  Update later....

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