Alone but not lonely, I'm traveling, learning, experimenting and living each day to the fullest.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Palo Duro Canyon State Park, Texas

With the combination of hot wind gusts, glaring sun and air so hot it almost hurt to breathe ......we had the curiosity but no real desire to hike the dusty trails down the canyons or doing any sight seeing on foot.

There looked to be plenty of camping spots, with cabins, RV and tent spots. The area offers photo opportunities everywhere you look and hiking trails galore. This is interesting country and would be worth hiking and exploring in cooler weather.
Texas! Is a spectacular outdoor musical drama performed here every year in a permanent amphitheatre carved out of a natural basin in the canyon. The play brings to life the stories, struggles and triumphs of the settlers of the Texas Panhandle in the 1800s in song and dance.
You can check here for more information on the park and the show.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Today in my life
Everyone that I have met here over the winter left for cooler areas months ago. On the first of March, herds of motorhomes headed north practically nose to tail. Now the town that was so full and busy during the winter has gone back to sleep until October when the temperatures will begin to cool again. For now, my only companions are a couple of elderly, overweight cats.

I had a large selection of specimen succulents growing in pots on my shaded patio. Alas... the desert iguanas have mistaken them for an all-you-can-eat salad bar. I was warned to protect my plants from the desert bunnies but no one said anything about voracious lizards. These iguanas are entertaining and can put on quite a display. Perhaps my plants are the admission price to the show. Whenever two iguanas meet, they do push-ups with their front legs. Then they stand among the sand and rocks, bouncing up and down, hissing at each other until one gives up or is scared away.
This glutton I spotted dining on my plants is about 16 inches long from nose to tail. I was hoping that he liked ants for snacks. I could use some help clearing them out. I can handle the trails of ants, but it is the ant scouts that bite me that I am finding hard to tolerate.
Lizards and ants and heat, Oh My! This isn't Kansas and I'm not Dorothy but there must be something here that attracts me. Ask me again this winter when my relatives are butt deep in snow or their yards are floating away.....
Yes, something about this land does attract me and it will be a fine place to return to after my trips. My sons and grandsons are constructing a small house here for me. As one grandson stated; "we don't have family reunions, we have work parties." It has been a lot of work, a lot of sweat, aches and pains.....but they keep coming back. Maybe it is my cooking?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Gallup, New Mexico
We are still following Historic Route is covered most of the way by Interstate 40. In a few areas you can locate short sections of Route 66 alongside the Interstate. But the old road bed is in such bad condition it is next to impossible to drive on. We tried to travel on one short stretch and even when driving 15 mph the van shook so badly we couldn't make ourselves understood. Then we got a case of the giggles! You would have thought that we were a couple of grade-school girls instead of old women. We do find that we amuse each other easily. It is really a wonderful thing to be friends with your Mother.
Just living is not must have sunshine, freedom and flowers.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
The van is working out fine for Mom and I. We have a full sized bed with plenty of storage space under it for the big plastic storage bins we brought. We have painted labels on them; Kitchen, Pantry, Closet, Misc. With things stored under the bed we have a sizeable area between the bed and the seats to put folding chairs and a table. We are both readers, so we are easily entertained after we stop for the night.
Painted Desert and Petrified Forest, Arizona
Located in eastern Arizona, this National park spreads over 160 miles. It is the only park in the National Park System containing a section of Historic Route 66
As you stand and look out over the land, your view is filled with color. The sand and earth are streaked with colors from nature's paint box, and what were once trees are now gems.
This large "cat" carving on a sandstone slab,was found in the park. It is thought to be a protective spirit. Note the large claws to grab onto the evil ones.
One last note on the park; bring lots of drinking water. You will dry out quickly in the desert heat.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Winslow, Arizona
I'm such a fine sight to see, It's a girl, my Lord,
in a flatbed Ford, slowin' down to take a look at me..."
The day we were in Winslow, the town maintenance crew had several street repairs going and had put up protective tape and pylons at the curbs. Seeing that I was taking photos, one of the workers temporarily removed the tapes for me.
See here for the full song lyrics <
Danger, danger
Birthday Road Trip
Northern California, June 2008, Mom's 80+ birthday is coming up in a few weeks. I asked her how she would like to celebrate. She replied that it was just another day. Okay... so I asked if she could go anywhere where would she like to go? Well..... she replied that she sure would like to see the Atlantic Ocean. .......AhHa! .....
Road Trip!
We tossed camping equipment and a few clothes into my van and left town the next morning. Old Highway 66 was calling us through the years. On the road, photo ops were everywhere. Sadly, the digital memory stick with photos of the first two days of our road trip was lost somewhere in Texas.