Doves! Doves all over the yard! They eat continually, leave droppings on everything and build nests.... what a life! I enjoy their cooing and they are attractive but that said, personally I think they are about the stupidest birds around. They build nests on top of slick metal trailers, piles of wood, flower pots.... anything they can lay or wedge a stick in. Of course a large percentage of the nests blow away. Perhaps that is why they build so many.
This one actually was smart and anchored her
nest material
under the edges of the old Christmas lights that were wrapped around the tree limbs.

Here is a bakers rack on my patio. Note the square looking pot on the top left shelf.
Somehow, my cats didn't seem to notice the comings and goings of the parent birds. But to be sure, I placed a large plastic picnic plate in front of the nest which gave me peace of mind at least.
I really breathed a sigh of relief when the "kids" finally left the nest.

But this! ???
This is an ornamental bird cage completely enclosed, with a votive candle inside. The pair must have spent days gathering their perfect material and poking it through the wires.
I sort of feel sad for them.....
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