Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Coastal ramblings

I am back! Yes, I have neglected my blog entries for a few months. My only excuse is that I have been having to much fun traveling to actually sit down at my computer and share my travels with you through my blog entries. I recently took off alone in my van, and followed the Pacific coast highway 1 north from Bodega Bay, CA to above Ft. Bragg where the road went inland through the redwoods and then back to the coast at Eureka, CA., where I continued on to Crescent City, Oregon before turning inland.

Heading north...I took this through my windshield.
I went west from Petaluma to Bodega Bay. The road twists across gentle hills, through farm and dairy country. At Bodega Bay I connected to State Highway 1 which follows the rugged coast with a narrow two-lane road complete with many hair-pin curves and no shoulders. There are plenty of places to pull off at vista points so you can calm your jangled nerves and take a few photos. I mention the nerves as I am a nervous driver on the best roads...which, believe me. these are not! I gritted my teeth and squeezed the steering wheel whenever I met a big motorhome or semi-truck. I was going north so I did have the benefit of solid ground on my right....opposed to going south where you have a steep, rocky cliff for most of the time.

But the views make it all worth while.

I saw this cute house in Pt. Arena. I love their porch decorations of net floats.

This is a stack of fishing nets with their floats attached.

....a couple of views around Pt. Arena, CA

The lighthouse at Point Arena
Along the highway...north of Point Arena... someone must have had a big hedge clipper....

I said the coast was rocky....

...with patches of fog....

here is a baby ground squirrel with a peanut....

Crescent City, CA -- Battery Point Lighthouse flashing it's light through the fog

The south side of the lighthouse showing the access road.

The jetty protecting the harbor is plainly posted as dangerous....guess these folks can't read...

Tidal pool creatures...
This is a sea anemone.....I love the neon colors I don't know what this is but it is pretty...

Barnacles and mussels exposed at low tide...

Gold Beach, Oregon Sunshine and gale force winds....
This tourist was feeding the gulls and was suddenly surrounded!

That is all for now, thanks for stopping by.